What Should You Know About B1 And B2 Visas?

Source:  detroitmobilecity.com

What Is B1 And B2 Visa For The USA?

The first thing everyone should know about B1 and B2 visas is that both of them are temporary and good for short-term visits of up to one year. That is why both the visa resident or nonresident alien who plan to go back to their native country after some time have all the opportunities to do it with ease if they got a B1/B2 visa.

The second no less interesting fact concerns the purposes of both of them. It appears that there is a difference between B1 and B2 visa. The B1 visa is for business while the B2 visa is for pleasure, tourist travels or medical visits.

What Are The Main B1/B2 Visa Eligible And Ineligible Activities?

The B1 and B2 visas holders should remember that there are few activities they can’t do as it is forbidden and they require a working visa. But on the other hand, there are also some things they can do. And here is a list of eligible activities for both of them.

The B1 visa holders may:

• Interview and hire staff;

• Conduct research;

• Discuss and make investments or purchases;

• Keep in touch with family and friends;

• Appear as a witness in court trials;

• Perform as an amateur entertainer or athlete.

In their turn the B2 visa holders can:

• Participate in conventions, conferences or convocations of fraternal or social organizations;

• Keep in touch with family, friends, and have fun;

• Undergo medical treatment;

• Bring along dependents like children;

• Perform as an amateur entertainer or athlete.

But on the other hand, both of them are not allowed to do the following activities:

•   Perform in professional sports;

•   Attend a school or university as a regular student;

•   Earn college credits from seminars or conferences;

•   Work for gainful employment.

How Long Does Your Staying With B1 And B2 Visas Last?

The time you enter the United States of America with one of these visas you automatically get a passport stamp and an I-94 form. After that, you will generally be granted 6 months admission on entry. But the maximum allowable stay in the B1 and B2 visas is a year. The six-month extension is possible but you will need to explain the U.S. government that it is really important for you to stay in and prove it.

Also, there is one more way how to get this extinction without praying and proving an obvious thing. You can simply go through the immigration process one more time after you return home. Of course, this way has also some drawbacks as using too many visas can be a reason for your application to be turned down.

What Should I Do If The Application Was Turned Down?

Even if you were refused to get a visa do not give up. Here is one more way how to get so desirable B1 or B2 visa. If you are a citizen of one of the participating countries, you are the one driving down from Canada or you travel with a participating airline and have a plane ticket you can apply for a visa waiver and get 90 days opportunity to stay in the U.S. But keep in mind, this waiver does not apply if you are a resident or have recently visited Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, or Yemen.

In Conclusion

The B-1, B-2, or B-1/B-2 visas grant business and/or non-business privileges to foreign nationals. For those doing business in a foreign nation, the B1-B2 visa allows for business and pleasure.



VISA & STATUS – Exodium.news