Florida still a favored spot of those moving from local area

Where are residents who anticipate leaving the Washington region (we refuse to give in and use the acronym “DMV”) planning to end up? A new real-world survey gives some indications.

JK Moving Services, the nation’s largest independently owned moving and storage company, noted several local and national moving trends in 2022 based on tens of thousands of customer inquiries, including that North Carolina and Florida were the most requested destinations for those moving from Virginia and Maryland.

“To plan ahead, we like to review our year-end data for moving trends. Most people move within the region where they currently live. For those moving out, what we saw this past year was a lot of interest in people in the D.C. region moving south and west,” said JK Moving president David Cox.

Operating nationwide (though headquarters in the Washington area), JK Moving tracks inquiries throughout the year from prospective clients. The data provides insights into residential moving trends.

Southern migration is a major trend and is consistent with the National Association of Realtors’ recent report projecting that many Southern states’ real estate-markets will outperform in 2023 due to a variety of economic factors as well as affordability.

Data culled from customer inquiries showed these trends for people considering a move:

• Californians topped the list of people inquiring about moving into the region. By far, though, most Californians were headed to Texas.

• Those leaving Florida put the Washington region a top destination.

• Residents in the District of Columbia, as opposed to its suburban areas, most often mentioned California and New York as their move locations.

• California, Texas, Florida and New York had the highest number of people leaving their states, although they also happen to be among the most populous states.

• Even though home sales dropped significantly in the second half of 2022, inquiries about moving remained robust, Cox said.

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Source: Data; Florida still a favored spot of those moving from local area | news/arlington | insidenova.com
