How to obtain an E-2 investor visa to reside in the United States

The dream of millions is to obtain a visa to live in the US.

In a globalized world, Miami it has become the commercial and financial capital of Latin America, the ideal place from which to take the region by storm. If you are looking to grow your company or reach the top of your profession, this is where you want to be.

Achieving your dream may be easier than you imagined. Each fiscal year, approximately 140,000 business-related visas are made available to qualified applicants. They certainly have value in the city of the Florida and in the rest of the USA.

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There are two fundamental types of visa for businessmen, entrepreneurs and professionals. The first is the E-1 visa either business exchange visa. The second is the E-2 visa or investor visa. They are known as treaty visas for which only citizens of countries with which the United States qualify. maintains trade and navigation treaties. In the region, these countries are: ArgentinaChiliColombiaCosta RicaHondurasMexicoPanama Y Paraguaybolivia Y Ecuadoralthough they have had trade agreements with the United States, they have so many restrictions and regulations that they make them a separate case.

E-1 visa or business exchange visa

This visa is ideal for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs of technology firms and startups linked to innovation that already offer services abroad or have clients there. The great benefit of the E1 visa is that it does not require you to invest money but to carry out a substantial and commercial exchange between the United States and the country that appears within the treaty. This exchange can be of products, technology and services.

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This visa can be extended to the spouse who grants permission to work and unmarried children up to 21 years of age of the applicant.

The office of immigration and citizenship services is in charge of processing visa applications.

E-2 visa or investor visa

The E-2 visa allows individuals to enter the United States for the purpose of establishing a business. It must be a significant investment, whether to create a new company or invest in an existing one. “There are many examples of businesses: you can buy goodwill, develop your own business from scratch, or acquire a franchise or chain,” explained immigration attorney Natalia Fridman.

This investment requires the creation of jobs for Americans. To obtain it as a main investor, the investor must have at least 50% of the business. Also, if the business allows it, this investment could allow you to apply for an essential employee or in an executive or managerial role.

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It must be invested in a real operating company and not a paper organization, nor a speculative or idle investment. And you can only come to develop and run the company.


According to the lawyer Fridman, both the E-2 and the E-1 are one of the most requested visas “because it depends only on the interested party. In other words, there is no need to wait for a third party to make you a job offer”.

These visas can be extended as long as the business in question is viable.

With information from USCIS. This article does not constitute or replace legal advice.


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Source: How to obtain a trader or investor visa to reside in the United States – California18